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Werkzaamheden voor veilig drinkwater in Uganda in volle gang!

Dankzij uw gulle donaties en de bijdrage van Wilde Ganzen is er binnenkort veilig drinkwater in de Ndekye gemeenschap in Uganda. De werkzaamheden zijn nu al voor 60% afgerond. De gemeenschap heeft zelf bijgedragen door het ter beschikking stellen van land, het graven van 13 kilometer aan greppels en het aanleggen van toegangswegen om de materialen te kunnen vervoeren. De toegang tot veilig drinkwater zal de levensomstandigheden voor de kinderen enorm verbeteren! Lees hier het bericht dat wij ontvingen van John Mubangizi, de projectleider in Uganda.

Ndekye I is a remote places in Rubirizi district dominated by rural peasants whose livelihood is majorly dependant on subsistence farming. Community members have had a water challenge for decades. Most people use water from unclean sources, which expose them to diseases like typhoid, cholera and diarrhea. Other members walk long distances of up to 6 kilometers to fetch water from Lake Mafuro and Lake Rwizongo, crater lakes with very steep slopes. On average, five people especially women and children drown in the lakes every year as they fetch water. Furthermore, fetching water is majorly a responsibility of children who have to carry water in the morning before attending school. And because of the long distances, they report late to schools thus missing morning classes, which severely affects school performance.

With financial support from COR-Foundation and Wilde Ganzen, a project to extend clean and safe water from Lake Kako to Ndekye I community commenced in December 2021. The money received has been applied to buying of water pipes and other plumbing materials. So far, 60% of the work is completed: Excavation of 13 km trenches, procurement and laying of all water pipes are all done. Ndekye I Community contribution has been in terms of providing land where water facilities are constructed, digging trenches for the water pipes, construction of access roads and carrying materials to places without possible road transport. This project is expected to be completed in the next three months.

When this project is completed, peoples’ living conditions will be greatly improved. Community members will access safe and clean water which will lead to a reduction on the incidence of waterborne diseases. People will access water within short distances of less than ½ kilometers from their homes, which will free women and children from the need to travel long distances to get water and hence get extra time to attend school and other important activities.


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