Dankzij uw steun en Wilde Ganzen hebben diverse dorpen in Oeganda nu schoon water. De kinderen waren voorheen uren per dag bezig water te halen bij een meer. Zij kunnen nu meer tijd op school doorbrengen, zijn minder ziek en er zijn sinds de aanleg geen kinderen verdronken in het meer.
Vanuit Oeganda ontvingen we dit bericht van de projectbegeleider:
'I cannot imagine how the people of Kyeeya and Karagara would have been now with this epidemic where water is needed much more than ever. We can never forget your support in making life affordable in these two communities.
We are very happy to let you know that because of Stichting COR:
- community members have access to treated, safe and clean water and as a result the community has no registered any cases of waterborne diseases
- there is accessibility to safe water within short distances of less than ½ kilometer from peoples’ home, which has freed women and children form the need to travel long distances to get water and hence they now have extra time to attend school and other important activities
- since completion of the project, the community has not registered any cases of loss of life through drowning since there isn’t need to fetch water from the crater lakes anymore.
The project has reduced on the pressure from community demand for safe water. As an organisation, although we still have other water stressed communities in the neighbourhood, this project has reduced on the number of communities in dire need.
This project has improved our environmental conservation work on Lake Kako. The project has reduced on the pressure people exerted on the lake by walking along the steep slopes to fetch water.
Such pressure was responsible for most of the soil erosion and silting of the Lake. The project will therefore tremendously contribute to environmental conservation of Lake Kako as there is less human activity along the slopes of the lake.'